If you were at that last house show, (and it was… sparsely attended, so probably not) you may have noticed a big trend toward new tag teams popping up. In case you missed it:
The 46 Defenders have arrived all the way from Chicago, to kick ass, take names, and make the hare-brained argument that Ryan Nall is a better running back than Jordan Howard anyway.
The Fighting Cocks have made their debut, and we might as well pay local delinquents to spray paint some graffiti of Sterling Archer yelling “PHRASING” on the front of the goddamn building.
In the wake of Ricky Coke‘s devastating neck injury, Ross Coke has teamed up with PARTY TIGER to form the COKE PARTY until the Coke Brothers can reform.
Various local jobbers have started wearing generic masks as The Masked Instigators and hoping we don’t notice, as if we would care.
El Grande Chungus and BIG TREAT BOY have made it official, teaming up under the name BIG BOI SEASON, although given their current non-winning record, this may not be the best idea. Matching gear is allegedly in the works, giving a massive boost to the Tri-State Area’s spandex industry.
Finally, after originally breaking up like twenty years ago, The Rockin’ Rocksmen are back in action, at least until Rockin’ Roland relapses or Rollin’ Rocky‘s heart finally collapses under the weight of all the steroids. (Oh come on, no 60 year-old is that jacked naturally, and he’s fooling no one)
And the reason for all this?
WE GOT THE NEW FREAKIN’ BELTS! We will have actual tag team champions relatively soon! And guess what else? We finally found the No Police Involvement title belt, too! Turns out it wasn’t actually in Ross’s shed, and was actually under a pile of old copies of Guns and Ammo in his guest bathroom. So not only do we have the title belt, but no birds have shat on it, either.

Not sure what we’re going to do from here, but probably a tournament for the tag belts and god-knows-what for the hardcore belt. But we’ll figure it out.
- We’ve received interest from both UHF Channel 69 and Tri-State Public Access for a TV deal, but nothing’s concrete yet. Not exactly the USA Network, but it’s something.
- The Grim Holler Wrasslin‘ roster have always pretty much been welcome to work STRUGGLE shows whenever, but supposedly, Jezebel Grim is going to start with STRUGGLE full-time, once the No Police Involvement division gets fully underway. She’s honestly more of a city mouse than the rest of the family, so it makes sense.
- We’re negotiating a talent exchange deal with Japanese promotion Hyper Pro Wrestling MOSES, to give some of our younger guys/girls some international exposure, and vice versa. Murray insists the we might even be able to get puroresu/MMA legend Kazushi Maeda for a few shows, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
- Murray’s also been working on some sort of deal with the Tri-State Area Department of Corrections for something he calls the “Slammed Straight” program, and I’m not sure what that entails, but it’s probably a terrible, terrible idea.
- We’ve approached Big Bird Machine about a return, and he didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no either. He hasn’t wrestled since the knee injury that took him out of Eternal Struggle 2011, but he never officially retired, so never say never.
- Local cartoonishly-evil gazillionaire Hapsburg Raytheon VI was allegedly spotted at a recent house show, and that’s just weird.
More news forthcoming, if any happens. Until then, go away.