Hey. How ya doin’? Damn, that’s too bad. Anyway, thought I’d stop by to kind of give an update on the state of things. You may have noticed, as one of the legion of STRUGGLE Pro fans (tumbleweed rolls by, buzzards circle overhead) that there haven’t been many shows lately over on the Twitches.
Well, originally, this was due to my internet connection being all janky and unreliable. Then, that got fixed, (apparently, there was an old, outmoded, and eventually broken cable trap on the line, which means something to you) but a screwup on my end while installing a mod update broke my custom move load order and all my movelists. (if you play unmodded and/or Playstation Fire Pro, trust me, that’s bad – Also, how do you live with yourself?) Once those got fixed, I managed to kinda half break them again, and otherwise, manifold new features have opened up so many wild ass rabbit holes to fall into that I’ve spent a lot more time setting things up in my game than actually doing anything with it. (Seriously, custom sounds/moves/venues/tron videos/GUI/weapons/etc. – Over in modded Fire Pro land, we have lived in the sky for so long that we have forgotten the ground) Not to mention a pretty major corporate-level screwup at work that led to almost an entire year of 13-hour (or longer) workdays and pretty much just erased 2019 for me, as far as doing anything other than working or healing up from working so goddamn much. But at least someone a couple states away who’s never had a real job got a nice bonus out of the deal, I guess.
But I dunno, I think I’m hitting a point where I’m getting ready to maybe do a stream/blog post/etc. or two for you, the loyal fan. (crickets chirp, a searing wind blows over the radioactive wastes) Of course, knowing me, it could still be weeks before anything happens, but I just want you all to know that we still out here in these streets, dammit.
Meanwhile, changing the subject to Fire Pro e-feddery where people actually actively run their stuff in a timely and even regularly-scheduled manner, some familiar faces have been out there, living, laughing, loving, and even wrestling on occasion. For the record, I’m not super-protective of my original characters, and if you ask if you can use somebody, I’ll more than likely say yes. If it works with what I’m doing, I’ll just say “hey, it’s an indy, so-and-so can take outside bookings, now let’s see what happens.” Otherwise, if you do something that goes against STRUGGLE storylines or character development (which admittedly mostly exists in my head at this point), I’ll just consider it alternate universe kinda stuff, like how on DC Comics’ Earth-2 back in the day, Superman had graying temples, Supergirl was Power Girl, and The Flash wore a frisbee on his head.
Which brings me to this: A while back, the fine people over at Wrestling Cup Classic were all “hey, can we use some dudes” and I was all “right on,” so they did, and The Think Tanks and the Coke Brothers have been regulars over there for a while. Thing was, over here in Earth-S, the Cokes were a mess, with Ricky having a broken neck and Ross being all hopped up on cocaine psychosis, so I’ve considered that alternately-universed activity. It’s funny though, because over in Earth-WCC (where Superman has a handlebar mustache and a gold chain, Supergirl has an ill-advised perm, and The Flash is on some real live gangsta shit) the Cokes aren’t so much living cautionary tales as they are a fully-functional team who just knows how to party. So what I’m trying to say here is this:

A nice touch is how Ricky basically used Ross as a weapon to get it done, which is absolutely perfect and would never happen on my own stream. But yeah, due to my own Kayfabe-cruelty to the Cokes, I can’t have them walk out in the Vito Genovese Memorial Bingo Complex and Auction Barn with the WCC belts, so I’m shouting this here, as no mountaintops are available.
Meanwhile, other things are happening in other places, as the greener pastures that Brain God and the Think Tank left in favor of now officially include The Nebula Factory over at Zealot’s Galastream family of feds, and are seemingly tearing shit up over there, now that they’ve put a bit of distance between themselves and the Tri-State Area’s smothering climate of failure. Also, rumor has it that someone might be popping somewhere at some other time for a guest appearance, possibly even at Warrior Pro, but who can say, really? And come to think of it, someone fitting the physical description of former La Guerra De Sangre owner and current fugitive Adalberto Bonilla has been spotted in the STRUGGLE audience a few times, but honestly, it might not be anything meaningful or nefarious, so much as it is a guy who’s in a lot of trouble taking advantage of the whole “no police involvement” thing to chill out for a minute.
Anyway, there’s the general state of things. See you real soon, or possibly in a long time, which ever one happens first.