A week late, but you ain’t paying for this shit. I think I’ve used that sentence as an intro before. anyway, the full show is over here, and the report is after the jump.
Continue reading HOUSE SHOW #29 RESULTS!All posts by turrible666
Rodimus Primo vs. Tupac Machine
This is Primo’s first match since losing the title to Immortan Jimmy and Tupac’s first since tapping out to Zippity Duda at a house show. Needless to say, both guys are desperate for a win, and this should be good.
Humble Ministries vs. The 46 Defenders
Due to the screwed up nature of the tag tournament, there are a lot of teams with strong claims to being number one contender, such as these two. The Defenders got eliminated via a time limit draw and a double-countout and the Ministry came within two battle royal eliminations of not only getting into the tournament, but bypassing the first round. Also, HOSSSSS FIIIIGHT.
Stormy Knight vs. Jezebel Grim
Stormy has embarked on some sort of crusade against all of STRUGGLE’s 40 year olds and wrestlers who broke in via familial ties, and Jezebel (a third-generation wrestler, for the record) is just pissed that Stormy broke her tag team partner’s arm.
Skull Mayday vs. Garfield Vanzetti
Vanzetti still has this strange and nonsensical notion that Skull Mayday is actually Skip Legday in a clever disguise. He demanded this match, which doesn’t seem very wise on his part, as there’s a decent chance that not-Skip tears his arms off and beats him with them. But then again, no one ever accused Garfield of being a mental giant.
CRUISERWEIGHY CHAMPIONSHIP: Immortan Jimmy (c) vs. Jackson Victory
Jimmy has looked Ike an unstoppable juggernaut as of late, but Jackson has looked impressive as hell in recent house shows. Only time will tell whether apparent immortality and all the advantages that come with it can overcome the raw power of The Jacksons’ classic 1986 album.
Big Bird Machine vs. Agent 35
Bird’s back after suffering a brutal attack at the hands of the Evil Administration following his appearance at Warrior Pro’s Warriorversary II show. And while the seemingly eternal rivalry between him and his former protégé President Evil is the marquee matchup, 35 was particularly brutal in the aforementioned incident, and he ends up first on the revenge tour. This could get ugly.
WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP: PARTY TIGER (c) vs. Pam From Human Resources
So last time around, TIGER and Pam were tag partners against a desperate former champion and her English-challenged partner. In that match, Pam absorbed a pretty savage beating from Yumiko La Grange that freed TIGER up to get the pin on Crawdad Hoshino. And TIGER hasn’t forgotten that, so she granted Pam a title shot in gratitude, which could end up filed under “things that backfired horribly” once this is over.
Hey, speaking of screwy finishes from the tag tournament, here’s a rematch of the final. And this time around, there will be no time limits and no count outs, so whoever wins will get to erase the asterisk from the list of champions. It’s the power of darkness vs. the power of dark meat chicken.
So for some reason, Tony Unity has decided that this match isn’t actually going to take place alongside the rest of the show, and will instead emanate from the EWX/Unity United Records Wrestlebasement, and be broadcast to the Twitch stream via satellite. Of course “via satellite” is a dubious claim, and I doubt EXW has sent up any goddamn rockets lately, but I guess “via Wi-Fi” doesn’t sound as cool. But something about this whole situation stinks, and considering how the last few “open challenges’ have gone, I think that little bastard is up to something.
The fourth stop on the COOL ZONE tour will actually be something tour-like, as it will take place at the brand new Hoss Dojo facility. The building is located just off the highway between the old Walmart and Grim Holler. Old Ross Gracie is really proud of the new building, which features such state-of-the-art amenities as an exercise bike, indoor plumbing, a dirt floor, and a vintage poster of Emmitt Smith for inspiration to the trainees.
One of the more popular events from the old days returns, as WAR PARTY 2021 has officially been scheduled as the big blow-off to the current tour. If you weren’t around before the bankruptcy, it’s a show built around teams of four (or more, but we’re easing back into it with four this time) wrestlers apiece competing in sort of an elimination gauntlet match style thing, like some sort of series of matches that they have to survive. A series of survival, if you will. Anyway, it’s roughly 100% likely that the main even will involve Big Bird Machine and The Evil Administration somehow, but we’ll see when we get there. Also, as is customary for a super-show of this caliber, all titles will be defended.
(THE SCENE: VELVEETA DREAM and VIRGINIA SLAMS are joined in progress, having been inserted into a virtual news studio via chroma key, an effect that had to have taken tens of dollars to pull off.)

VELVEETA DREAM: …and due to the lingering radiation, the mayor estimates a potential death toll in the thousands.
VIRGINIA SLAMS: (says something completely unintelligible, due to the toll an almost psychotic smoking habit has taken on her vocal cords, but is apparently amusing somehow)
DREAM: That sounds like a sticky situation if you ask me, Virginia!
(They both enjoy a hearty laugh, with VIRGINIA sounding like some kind of horror monster in the process)
DREAM: And now let’s go to Stormy Knight with the weekend forecast!

STORMY KNIGHT: Thanks, Dream! Taking a look at the Tri-State Area weather map, it looks like pretty bleak weather is headed our way once more. Out behind the 7-11 where PARTY TIGER just woke up, it’s going to be a wet one, as she just pissed her pants again! If we took a look down here at the La Grange residence, it looks like old Yumiko – and I do mean old – is going to be psychotic with a 100% chance of clinical depression! Now, if we check out the STRUGGLE News Storm Tracker, I’ve got some pretty bad news for the residents of Grim Holler. Looks like a 50% chance of Asperger’s for Junior, and Lorelei remains fat with a chance of inbreeding. And as for Jezebel? It looks like there’s a storm coming.
(her whole tone changes from perky weather girl to one of utter malevolence)
STORMY: This area of low pressure is an indicator that I’m going to beat your ass easily, so remember to take shelter immediately, possibly by not even bothering to show up. Remember, this is potentially a very dangerous storm, with the chance for extreme property damage. This may include uprooted trees, overturned vehicles, and severe structural damage, including broken arms.
(she switches back into meteorologist mode)
STORMY: So have a great weekend! And I’ll see you soon.
It was a night of big returns and utter stupid ridiculousness. You know the drill by now. CHECK OUT THE SHOW HERE, then come back to find out how to feel about it. WRESTLING!

DARK MATCH #1 – EWX STREET FIGHT: Morbid Manuel defeated Secret Pete in 8:51 with a pop-up tiger bomb (CRITICAL!)
Nerd Rating: 69% – Nice 👍
Well, I guess the good news here is that we know neither of these guys will be their boss’s Championship Open Challenge later on. They brawled and hit each other with shit and cut each other with sharper shit, and then the gimp got knocked out by a powerbomb. Daaark maaaaatch.

DARK MATCH #2: Veleveeta Dream defeated Zelda Lucabrasi in 12:21 with the Five-Cheese Frog Splash
Nerd Rating: 83% ⭐⭐⭐
Velveeta Dream isn’t even on the main roster yet, but looked like a legitimate contender here. This was back-and-forth for a while, but it eventually just broke down to Dream showing off against someone who almost won the women’s championship tournament a few months back. The promotion’s financial future remains in utter chaos, but roster-wise, we’re doing just fine, I think.
And with that, we begin the show proper…
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and now half the roster is out injured. Check out the show here if you haven’t already. (I’m guesing you haven’t?) and then come back to read about why your opinion was wrong.
Continue reading HOUSE SHOW 28 RESULTS!HOUSE SHOW #27 RESULTS! Screaming Rage Man Returns, and there is so much blood
It was that time again, so we took a break from tag tournaments and trips to the Cool Zone, and had ourselves an old fashioned house show. Check it out here, then come back and read about it, because you’ve got nothing better to do.
Continue reading HOUSE SHOW #27 RESULTS! Screaming Rage Man Returns, and there is so much bloodSTRUGGLE SESSION #6!
1. Yumiko La Grange & Crawdad Hoshino vs. PARTY TIGER (STRUGGLE Women’s Champion) & Pam From Human Resources
This was kind of a last-minute addition where someone who hates being in tag matches and opening the show demanded to open the show in a tag match, because it represented the easiest way to jump the line and become number one contender. No way that’ll backfire hilariously.
2. Doctor Reverend Billy Wayne Humble vs. Hogarth the Unyielding
Can the power of Mount Olympus propel the big man past Humble and the thousand people he’ll more than likely have at ringside? Probably not.
3. Donita Zapata vs. Becky (With the Awful Hair)
A battle of truly awful hairstyles, and yet only one of the two looks like that involuntarily.
4. The Outside Agitators (Mayday & DIRECT ACTION) vs. The True Sons of Liberty (Vanzetti & Randall)
Skull Mayday and Comrade DIRECT ACTION finally get a confrontation with Garfield Vanzetti after he effectively got Skip Legday and Captain STRUGGLE effectively barred from the building. Not that this is relevant to them in any way, folks.
Not saying that I doubt the validity of this “open challenge” thing, but after Unity’s own employee took him to the limit at the last show, ten bucks says the challenge he accepts is from someone way less psychotic than Uncle Smelly.
6. Ace La Grange & El Hijo Del Big Bird Machine vs. President Evil & Agent 35
No countouts, no disqualifications, no way this doesn’t end with the ring painted a ghstly shade of red. Ace and El Hijo were stupid accept this match and even stupider to request it. There, I said it.
7. CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP – Immortan Jimmy (champ) vs. Froggy Terry
You can say a lot of things about Jimmy, mostly involving the phrase “crazy idiot,” but you can’t say he isn’t a fighting champion. As for Terry, he’s also a crazy idiot, so what can you do.
8. FINAL ATTEMPT EVER – Ross Coke vs. Crash Ferrari
It feels like people forgot that Crash broke Ricky Coke’s neck and Ross swore revenge like a whole damn year ago, mainly because Ross has been too out of it to actually show up when we’ve tried to have this match. But here were are once again, and Ross demanded the match with the stipulation that if he no-shows, it’s getting marked down as a forfeit loss with no rematches ever and no chance of revenge. And yes, we’ve lined up a replacement opponent for Crash, in case of nigh-inevitability.
news, rumors, and promos after the jumpTHE FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY 2020 REPORT
Well, that show certainly happened, didn’t it? You know the drill, check the show out here, then come back. Or don’t, whatever.
So the next stop on the Cool Zone 2020 non-tour is kind of a super-special, featuring the entirety of the tag team championship tournament, wherein the real gold is The Friends We Made Along the Way. The entire tournament bracket, plus one other huge main event match, after the jump.

MATCH #1: Velveeta Dream defeated Soccer Ninja in 16:18 with the Liquid Gold Lock
Nerd Rating: 80% ⭐⭐⭐
This was Soccer Ninja’s main roster debut, as well as Dream’s debut, period. Ninja’s been kind if a killer in limited action so far, but obviously Dream didn’t notice, because she was cocky as hell in this one, en route to the submission victory. Still don’t understand how she’s not like 450 pounds though, given her diet.

MATCH #2: Hogarth the Unyielding defeated Big Dick Fuchs in 18:35 with an avalanche power slam
Nerd Rating: 96% ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2⭐
HOSS FIGHT! This is real wrestling, the way it was when I was little, and it brings a tear to the eye. Just two big, sweaty men, slappin’ meat. Hogarth finished this in pretty brutal fashion with a top-rope slam, and I literally don’t think Fuchs has won a match yet, even if he was impressive here.

MATCH #3: Trondheim Troy defeated Zippity Duda in 6:13 with Nocturno Stompo
Nerd Rating: 66% ⭐ 1/2⭐
Wow. Heading into the Super C Cup tournament, Zippity was undefeated, and it’s looking more and more like a fluke lately. This was an ass-whipping. Just a brutal, one-sided, scar-you-for-life squash. Speaking of which, after the match, Troy just whipped out a fork and started stabbing him in the head. It was fucked up, but so is Troy.

MATCH #4: Doctor Reverend Billy Wayne Humble defeated Parking Lot Duval in 26:25 with Casting Out the Demons
Nerd Rating: 96% ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2⭐
Of the three regular refs we use,, Brown Shoes is the youngest and least experienced, and it really showed here. She lost control of this one completely, and Humble almost definitely won as a result, escaping a pin and Duval’s Backseat Nap finisher with the Ministry providing distraction. Then again, Gus is like three-quarters blind and Referoth is a nihilist, so who’s to say it would’ve been any different otherwise. Misfortune continues to pile up for poor, cursed Duval.

MATCH #5: Toxic Walt and Kazushi Maeda fought to a 30 minute time limit draw
Nerd Rating: 80% ⭐⭐⭐
This was one no one saw coming. Walt is a bad man, obviously, but Kaz is a fuckin’ human buzzsaw, even in his fifties. This is a man who’s held at least three different companies’ versions of the world title that I can think of, beating people like Mitsuhide Hikawa, Buffalo Amamoto, and President Evil (Olive Japan in 2014, kids. Look it up) in the process. So I’m gonna say once again that Walt needs to drop the hardcore nonsense and go legit, because he can clearly hang with actual top wrestlers. Just needs to fully commit.

MATCH #6: Pitbull Van Scorpio and Agent 35 fought to a 30 minute time limit draw in a streetfight
Nerd Rating: 64% ⭐
This match killed my faith in humanity, or at least it would have if I still had any. Just two maniacs turning the arena into a river of blood, and rarely actually trying to win in the process. Gonna guess this doesn’t get either guy a title shot in the next “open challenge.” Fuckin’ Unity. The Ratings Nerds hated this match, and I’m guessing it just kinda broke their spirits.

MATCH #7: Yumiko La Grange defeated The Phantom Rocker in 6:44 with a cross kneebreaker
Nerd Rating: 78% ⭐⭐ 1/2⭐
God damn. The Rocker came ready to fight, and was just zipping all over the place, and it didn’t matter. When she’s on top of her game, that’s just kind of how it goes with Yumiko La Grange, though. You can throw everything at her, even literally picking shit up and throwing it, and it just doesn’t matter. A funny part was how Rocker’s whole thing is being a high-flyer, but Yumiko was the one doing all the damn moonsaults, like she was just kind of rubbing her nose in the inevitable.
(THE PHANTOM ROCKER limps backstage, where a still fully glammed-up-against-her-will DONITA ZAPATA is waiting.)
DONITA: Hahaha, holy shit, you just got stomped out there!
ROCKER: (frowns) Stop it.
DONITA: She just fuckin’ grabbed you, and you were all ‘nooooo, my knee, I give uuupppp because I’m suuuch a puuussyyyy, waaaahhh!’
ROCKER: Shut up!
DONITA: Hahaha, oh man, and she just kneed you in the face so many times, and you couldn’t do shit about it, hahahahaha, it was great!
ROCKER: You know, according to the terms of the match contract, you have to keep dressing like that until I say you can stop.
DONITA: Well, what does that say about you if this a punishment, then? These are your fuckin’ clothes.
ROCKER: Yeah, well, when you wear them, you just look like a dipshit. I make this look good. Everybody knows I was always the hot one.
DONITA: Pfft. Bullshit. See this? (pointing at her head) It’s naturally blonde. This shit has powers your mouse-brown ass will never understand.
ROCKER: Oh, whatever.
(YUMIKO LA GRANGE walks by with her entrance robe folded under her arm, then stops and turns back toward the two)
YUMIKO: For the record? You both look like fucking idiots. You are welcome.
(YUMIKO walks off, and ROCKER and DONITA just kind of sheepishly look at the ground for a second.)
DONITA: Told ya so.
ROCKER: God damn it.

MATCH #8: Hapsburg Raytheon VI defeated Manchoma the Randy Savage in 21:46 with the Leveraged Takeover
Nerd Rating: 84% ⭐⭐⭐
It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you, gentle STRUGGLE fan, that HR6 actually is good at this, and we might not get to see him stomped into dust any time soon. It breaks the heart, it really does. It’s a tough loss for Manchoma to be sure, but I’m sure he’ll find some small consolation in the arms of at least half of y’all’s wives. Oh don’t look at me like that, the man is a fuckin’ hound.
That’s right, people, we pulled a double. We did the official COOL ZONE TOUR 2020 show early in the day, then followed it up with the old style “house show” at night. And we’d fuckin’ do it again. Anyway, Twitch still hasn’t fixed their embed code, so go here for Cool Zone #2, then take a bathroom break and go here for the house show. Then come back here and read about the early show. Then come back in a day or so (hopefully) to read how you’re supposed to feel abut the house show. STRUGGLE is your master.
Continue reading COOL ZONE #2 RESULTS!