“The President of Professional Wrestling”
Height: 6’7″
Weight: 292lbs.
Age: unknown, most likely early 40s
Years Pro: 20
Hometown: The West Wing OF HELL
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Also Known As: Lieutenant Governor Justice, Instigator #17, “Blowseph Jobinson” (alias for renting hotel rooms and ordering pizza)
Entrance Theme(s): “Am I Evil” by Diamond Head, “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood (as Lieutenant Governor Justice)
Finishers/Signature Moves: Constitutional Crisis, Hellfire Drone Strike, Ford’s Theater, War Powers Act, Burning Flag, Figure ’76 Leg Lock (as the LGJ)
Affiliations/Relations: The Evil Administration (founder/leader), The Justice Family (as LGJ – disbanded), the Dream Team (as LGJ – disbanded), First Lady Evil (husband)
Known Rivalries: Big Bird Machine, El Hijo Del Big Bird Machine, Ace La Grange, The Think Tank, the STRUGGLE front office, Yumiko La Grange, Tyrannosaurus Plex, probably – Honestly, everyone he comes into contact with, for the most part.
The Self-Proclaimed “President of Wrestling,” and unquestioned leader of The Evil Administration, President Evil is a vile, cruel, foul-mouthed misanthrope who wants nothing more than to cause chaos and make children cry. For over a decade, he has waged a relentless campaign of darkness that has horrified wrestling audiences across the Tri-State Area and Japan, (where he is allegedly persona non grata from Olive Japan Pro Wrestling, forbidden to ever return, for reasons he refuses to discuss, but seems really amused by) and has left absolute carnage in its wake. He believes in nothing, cares about no one, (except of course his wife, the diabolical First Lady Evil, his two chief henchmen, Agent Bulldog and Agent Fang, and for some reason, Kenny Loggins) and is an unstoppable engine of evil for evil’s sake. He takes an inhuman delight in injuring his opponents, relentlessly antagonizes wrestling audiences wherever he goes, and one time, he peed in the Slush Puppy mixer at the concession stand. I don’t care what anyone says, I think the boy’s just rude.
The former protege of Tri-state Wrestling Alliance legend Governor Justice, was formerly known as Lieutenant Governor Justice, and seemed to be pretty much the exact opposite of who he is now. After the Justice Family fell apart for various reasons, he came under the tutelage of Big Bird Machine, and joined his mentor, along with occasional tag team partner Ace La Grange (and later, Ace’s wife Yumiko) to form unimaginatively-named Dream Team. Then, as we all know, something snapped in the dude’s head, he bludgeoned Bird and Ace with a steel chair to the horror of thousands, and proceeded to basically become STRUGGLE’s final boss. A two-time former Tri-State World Heavyweight Champion, Evil is super-pissed that the official title records for the pre-crisis STRUGGLE got lost when Murray forgot to pay the website bill.
Strengths: A finely-tuned machine of destruction, with a rare combination of size, agility, skill, and a complete disregard for the rules.
Weaknesses: No known weaknesses.
Trivia: In addition to being a two-time STRUGGLE 1.0 champion, briefly held Olive Japan Pro Wrestling’s prestigious quadruple-crown championship, before either being stripped of the title or losing it to current Hyper Pro Wrestling MOSES star Kazushi Maeda, depending on who you ask.