“The Black Sheep of the Grim Family Dynasty”
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 186 lbs.
Age: 25
Years Pro: 9
Hometown: Grim Holler, Tri-State Area
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Finishers/Singature Moves: Steel Gold Stunner, Chokeslam, Jaeger Bomb, Superman Punch
Affiliations/Relations: Jezebel-Gun (leader/founder), Grim Family Dynasty, Hillbilly Grim (daughter), Lorelei & Junior Grim (sister)
Known Rivalries/Feuds: Stormy Knight, Patience Halliburton-Vanzetti, Peppy Wright
Entrance Themes: “Fuck All Y’all” by Antiseen (solo), “A Shogun Named Marcus” by Clutch (with J-Gun)
Jezebel Grim is the middle child of Grim Holler Wrasslin‘ founder and STRUGGLE Pro legend Hillbilly Grim, and the black sheep of the family. She drinks, smokes dope, cusses like sailor, *never* goes to church, and has a bad habit of beating the living hell out of wrestling opponents with barbed-wire covered baseball bats. Often butts heads with her father and two sisters outside the ring, but is fiercely loyal to the family inside of a wrestling context. Used to wrestle almost exclusively against men in hardcore/deathmatch situations, which was a great relief to the Tri-State Area’s women wrestlers, because she’s excessively violent and has about 50 pounds on most of them. Eventually, she started focusing on the women’s division, where she formed an unlikely tag team partnership with longtime Hyper Pro Wrestling MOSES wrestler Toshiyo Nakano. Eventually, this led to the formation of the even more unlikely team of Jezebel-Gun, with Nakano, Yumiko La Grange, and until recently, Crawdad Hoshino.
Strengths: While not on the scale of her gigantic older sister Lorelei, dwarfs much of her competition, and despite fan-favorite status, seems to care little for the rules and regulations of wrestling.
Weaknesses: she’s gonna fuck herself someday up with all them headbutts, I tells ya.
Trivia: Has often not seen eye to eye with her legendary father, and is believed to have begun her combat sports career at an upsettingly young age after running away from home, competing in illegal fights in the back room of legendary Tri-State Area dive bar/strip club/drug den/brothel/disreputable trading card shop known as The Scum Dumpster. It has since been blown up by bikers.