ALL SHIRTS PRINTED USING LEGAL, ADULT LABOR! That’s right, folks, ever since the company relaunched, all of our shirts are printed in highest quality 50/50 cotton/poly using extremely legal methods, and the Peruvian mob is absolutely not involved! Available in sizes S, M, L, XL, for the low, low price of 24.95, unless otherwise noted. XXL is 27.95, and if you need an XXXL, man, I don’t know what to tell you.
Payment accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Diner’s Club, check, money order, Dogecoin, well-concealed cash, poorly concealed cash, or PayPal. Sorry, no C.O.D.s.
Sends checks, etc. to:
STRUGGLE Pro Wrestling
34 Ciro Terranova Parkway
Tri-State Area, USA

Ace La Grange – “Good Now, Brother” Shirt
Commemorate the former future legend’s successful rehab stint with this understated number.

Big Baby Lucifer Pentagram Shirt
I can think of no better way to show your friends and relatives that you heartily endorse a grown man wearing a diaper.

Big Bird Machine Mask Shirt
Show all your co-workers that you come from the Streets!

Big Bird Machine “Roots” Shirt
Look, we didn’t get Roots of Fight to make a shirt for us, but no one has to know that when you hit all the clubs in this canary-yellow t-shirt!

Big Dick Fuchs “This Guy” Shirt
Well, there it is.

Broken Arm Retailiation Society “Just Give Up” Shirt
They’re always accepting submissions, you guys.

Business Clown “Sell Short” Shirt
Good business is where you find it, and well, sometimes you find it in a storm drain, I guess. Oh god.

Captain STRUGGLE Shirt
Disney can’t say shit, we changed the colors and added an S!
Coke Brothers “Addicted to the Cocaine” Shirt

They love cocaine! So very much!
Coke Brothers “Things Go Better” Shirt

I wonder what that could mean.
Donita Zapata “Nirvana” Shirt

She feels very strongly about this, apparently.

Hoss Dojo Shirt
You might not have what it takes to be trained by Ol’ Ross Gracie, but you can buy the shirt and lie to people about it!

Jezebel Grim “Squeal” Shirt
This shirt serves as both a terrifying threat and a loving tribute to her beloved pet hog, Dennis Grim.
Jezebel-Gun “Kon’nichiwa” Shirt

She worked for hours on that shirt.

Korn Demon Shirt
With this shirt, you can always stay apprised of your friends’ state of preparedness!

PARTY TIGER “Too Compete” Shirt
What we’re saying is that she has an extremely severe substance abuse problem!

President Evil 6:66 Shirt
He just dropped you on your head, and that is apparently the bottom line.

Screaming Rage Man “Screaming” Shirt

Screaming Rage Man “King of Violence” Shirt
NEW FOR 2022!

Skip Legday “Helvetica” Shirt

Stormy Knight “Warning” Shirt
Get in the cellar, ma!
STRUGGLE Pro “Throwback” Shirt

The same t-shirt worn by all our STRUGGLE superstars when they hit the bottom of the laundry pile. Theirs are free, but for you? 24.95! It’s the old logo, but we’re calling it a throwback now, instead of old stock! You fucking marks!

Taco Belle Tie-Dyed Shirt
Since we gotta make these by hand, allow an extra couple weeks for delivery. Also, they’re $5 bucks more. Why don’t we have regular solid-color ones? I DON’T KNOW!

Tupac Machine Shirt
Are you still down? Then let everyone know with this classic T-shirt, back in print!

Trondheim Troy “Stepson” Shirt
Let your stepdad know how evil you are in this shirt, available in extremely black! He’s an EWX guy now, but we kept the shirts!

The Turd Boyz “Number 2” Shirt
Why would you do this to yourself. Luckily, they didn’t put the team name on there, so it doesn’t have to go on clearance, no matter how many times they change it.

Tyrannosaurus Plex “All I got” Shirt
Let them know that you’re really okay and just need to lie down for a minute with this shirt! Back in stock!