Tag Archives: butt stuff


(THE SCENE: The Hoss Dojo Training Complex, where in addition to the theoretical stars of tomorrow literally learning the ropes, the stars of today (but mostly yesterday) make use of the facilities throughout the day to stay sharp between shows. It’s open 24 hours a day, not so much by design as because Ol’ Ross Gracie always forgets to lock the place up when he leaves. At an ungodly early hour, two wrestlers have the place all to themselves: Disgraced-and-then-somewhat-re-graced former world’s champion ACE LA GRANGE and his unwitting protege, the size-impaired ZIPPITY DUDA, who is seemingly being forced to run back and forth between the ropes until he dies.)

ACE: C’mon, Zip! You’re draggin’ ass out there, brother!

ZIP: (breathing extremely hard) Because I’ve been doing this forever! And you stopped ten minutes ago!

ACE: Seniority, brother! I set my own pace.

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