(THE SCENE: STRUGGLE Pro Acting President NATE RUGGLE‘s office in the old Blockbuster next to the arena, where we join a heated argument in progress. NATE and UNCLE ABDUL are trying to diffuse the situation, as STORMY KNIGHT voices her disapproval with the general state of things.)

NATE: …Look, just calm down, and-
STORMY: Calm down!? You can’t be serious! I have been here since you relaunched this promotion, and I have beaten everyone you’ve put in front of me! How can I NOT be the number one contender!?
ABDUL: You haven’t beaten everyone. Hell, last time you and Jezebel crossed paths, she pinned you.
STORMY: And this was when she came in fresh, after I took out her little buddies, Wish Dot Com Yumiko and The Great Communicator. One on one, I beat her every time.
ABDUL: …Except that time y’all went to a draw.
STORMY: Because she ran from me for thirty minutes!
ABDUL: Debatable.
Continue reading TALES OF THE INVISIBLE BACKSTAGE CAMERA: Backstage Politics!