Hey, watch the show, will ya?
Continue reading HOUSE SHOW #30 RESULTS!Tag Archives: house shows
A week late, but you ain’t paying for this shit. I think I’ve used that sentence as an intro before. anyway, the full show is over here, and the report is after the jump.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and now half the roster is out injured. Check out the show here if you haven’t already. (I’m guesing you haven’t?) and then come back to read about why your opinion was wrong.
Continue reading HOUSE SHOW 28 RESULTS!HOUSE SHOW #27 RESULTS! Screaming Rage Man Returns, and there is so much blood
It was that time again, so we took a break from tag tournaments and trips to the Cool Zone, and had ourselves an old fashioned house show. Check it out here, then come back and read about it, because you’ve got nothing better to do.
Continue reading HOUSE SHOW #27 RESULTS! Screaming Rage Man Returns, and there is so much bloodHOUSE SHOW 26 RESULTS!

MATCH #1: Velveeta Dream defeated Soccer Ninja in 16:18 with the Liquid Gold Lock
Nerd Rating: 80% ⭐⭐⭐
This was Soccer Ninja’s main roster debut, as well as Dream’s debut, period. Ninja’s been kind if a killer in limited action so far, but obviously Dream didn’t notice, because she was cocky as hell in this one, en route to the submission victory. Still don’t understand how she’s not like 450 pounds though, given her diet.

MATCH #2: Hogarth the Unyielding defeated Big Dick Fuchs in 18:35 with an avalanche power slam
Nerd Rating: 96% ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2⭐
HOSS FIGHT! This is real wrestling, the way it was when I was little, and it brings a tear to the eye. Just two big, sweaty men, slappin’ meat. Hogarth finished this in pretty brutal fashion with a top-rope slam, and I literally don’t think Fuchs has won a match yet, even if he was impressive here.

MATCH #3: Trondheim Troy defeated Zippity Duda in 6:13 with Nocturno Stompo
Nerd Rating: 66% ⭐ 1/2⭐
Wow. Heading into the Super C Cup tournament, Zippity was undefeated, and it’s looking more and more like a fluke lately. This was an ass-whipping. Just a brutal, one-sided, scar-you-for-life squash. Speaking of which, after the match, Troy just whipped out a fork and started stabbing him in the head. It was fucked up, but so is Troy.

MATCH #4: Doctor Reverend Billy Wayne Humble defeated Parking Lot Duval in 26:25 with Casting Out the Demons
Nerd Rating: 96% ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2⭐
Of the three regular refs we use,, Brown Shoes is the youngest and least experienced, and it really showed here. She lost control of this one completely, and Humble almost definitely won as a result, escaping a pin and Duval’s Backseat Nap finisher with the Ministry providing distraction. Then again, Gus is like three-quarters blind and Referoth is a nihilist, so who’s to say it would’ve been any different otherwise. Misfortune continues to pile up for poor, cursed Duval.

MATCH #5: Toxic Walt and Kazushi Maeda fought to a 30 minute time limit draw
Nerd Rating: 80% ⭐⭐⭐
This was one no one saw coming. Walt is a bad man, obviously, but Kaz is a fuckin’ human buzzsaw, even in his fifties. This is a man who’s held at least three different companies’ versions of the world title that I can think of, beating people like Mitsuhide Hikawa, Buffalo Amamoto, and President Evil (Olive Japan in 2014, kids. Look it up) in the process. So I’m gonna say once again that Walt needs to drop the hardcore nonsense and go legit, because he can clearly hang with actual top wrestlers. Just needs to fully commit.

MATCH #6: Pitbull Van Scorpio and Agent 35 fought to a 30 minute time limit draw in a streetfight
Nerd Rating: 64% ⭐
This match killed my faith in humanity, or at least it would have if I still had any. Just two maniacs turning the arena into a river of blood, and rarely actually trying to win in the process. Gonna guess this doesn’t get either guy a title shot in the next “open challenge.” Fuckin’ Unity. The Ratings Nerds hated this match, and I’m guessing it just kinda broke their spirits.

MATCH #7: Yumiko La Grange defeated The Phantom Rocker in 6:44 with a cross kneebreaker
Nerd Rating: 78% ⭐⭐ 1/2⭐
God damn. The Rocker came ready to fight, and was just zipping all over the place, and it didn’t matter. When she’s on top of her game, that’s just kind of how it goes with Yumiko La Grange, though. You can throw everything at her, even literally picking shit up and throwing it, and it just doesn’t matter. A funny part was how Rocker’s whole thing is being a high-flyer, but Yumiko was the one doing all the damn moonsaults, like she was just kind of rubbing her nose in the inevitable.
(THE PHANTOM ROCKER limps backstage, where a still fully glammed-up-against-her-will DONITA ZAPATA is waiting.)
DONITA: Hahaha, holy shit, you just got stomped out there!
ROCKER: (frowns) Stop it.
DONITA: She just fuckin’ grabbed you, and you were all ‘nooooo, my knee, I give uuupppp because I’m suuuch a puuussyyyy, waaaahhh!’
ROCKER: Shut up!
DONITA: Hahaha, oh man, and she just kneed you in the face so many times, and you couldn’t do shit about it, hahahahaha, it was great!
ROCKER: You know, according to the terms of the match contract, you have to keep dressing like that until I say you can stop.
DONITA: Well, what does that say about you if this a punishment, then? These are your fuckin’ clothes.
ROCKER: Yeah, well, when you wear them, you just look like a dipshit. I make this look good. Everybody knows I was always the hot one.
DONITA: Pfft. Bullshit. See this? (pointing at her head) It’s naturally blonde. This shit has powers your mouse-brown ass will never understand.
ROCKER: Oh, whatever.
(YUMIKO LA GRANGE walks by with her entrance robe folded under her arm, then stops and turns back toward the two)
YUMIKO: For the record? You both look like fucking idiots. You are welcome.
(YUMIKO walks off, and ROCKER and DONITA just kind of sheepishly look at the ground for a second.)
DONITA: Told ya so.
ROCKER: God damn it.

MATCH #8: Hapsburg Raytheon VI defeated Manchoma the Randy Savage in 21:46 with the Leveraged Takeover
Nerd Rating: 84% ⭐⭐⭐
It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you, gentle STRUGGLE fan, that HR6 actually is good at this, and we might not get to see him stomped into dust any time soon. It breaks the heart, it really does. It’s a tough loss for Manchoma to be sure, but I’m sure he’ll find some small consolation in the arms of at least half of y’all’s wives. Oh don’t look at me like that, the man is a fuckin’ hound.
A lot went wrong, but a couple things went right, too? We have an actual champion crowned, and we’re getting dangerously close to having two more. Watch the video, then read about what you saw below.
HOUSE SHOW #25! – 10-26-19
Well, first of all, I’d like to apologize for the general state of things lately. I’ve been lax in maintaining the website, (still got like 1,298 wrestler profiles to add, Jesus) and we haven’t been filming the shows, ever since Buddy From the Ring Crew got put on house arrest for some sort of cable-stealing ring he was behind. Not that we’ve been doing a whole lot of shows either way, with our finances the way they are. Either way, I’ll try to do better, and before we get into today’s shenanigans, here are the two shows from July that I never blog-posted about:
#23 – 7-13-19
1. OVER-THE-TOP-ROPE BATTLE ROYAL: Neal Grabowski defeated Rockin’ Roland, The Überklaw, BIG TREAT BOY, Peppy Wright, Grizzle 4 Shizzle, Bucko Clambake, and Humungulus
Humungulus self-eliminated like a dumbass at 0:31
Bucko hit with a Kodiak Bomb by Grizzle at 1:51
Grizzle Tossed by TREAT BOY at 2:54
Peppy tossed by TREAT BOY at 6:47
TREAT BOY tossed by Neal at 9:35
Klaw tossed by Neal at 15:26
Roland tossed by Neal at 21:36
2. Bad Religion defeated the Turd Experience when Spike powerbombed Turd 2A at 26:51 ⭐⭐⭐ ½⭐
3. Ace La Grange defeated Tucker Schertz with a leg lock suplex hold in 16:26 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
4. Taco Belle and Pam from Human Resources defeated Stormy Knight and Virginia Slams when Pam CRITICAL!ed Stormy with a lariat at 15:18 ⭐⭐ ½⭐
#24 – 7-27-19
1. OVER-THE-TOP-ROPE CRUISERWEIGHT BATTLE ROYAL: Jackson Victory defeated Churd Grunson, Zippity Duda, Cobra Nightraven, Froggy Terry, Radical Jeremy, Agent Fang, and Doodlebug (I didn’t write down the individual eliminations)
2. Stormy Knight defeated Pam from Human Resources with the Multi-vortex Armbreaker in 16:20 ⭐⭐⭐ 1/2⭐
3. Rodimus Primo defeated Tupac Machine in 9:57 with a Huracanrana ⭐⭐
4. Big Dick Fuchs defeated Tyrannosaurus Plex (no star rating, for some reason?)
HOUSE SHOW #22! – 6-23-19
This house show report is incredibly late. So late, in fact, that the Twitch stream of it is already set to be deleted tomorrow, so I’m not going to embed it. I dunno, it’s been a really rough couple of weeks here at STRUGGLE Headquarters, and I’m sure you’ll hear about it eventually. Finances are rough right now, and we’ve got some decisions to make, and that’s about all I can say right now. Thank Nate’s mom. Yeah.
Continue reading HOUSE SHOW #22! – 6-23-19HOUSE SHOW #21! 6-22-19
Gonna try something a bit different this week. I figured if we have Invisible Backstage Cameras everywhere, we might as well send Murray to the locker rooms to try and get some post-match reactions from some of the wrestlers. Of course, it was a complete friggin’ disaster, (seriously trying to cuss less on here) but everything we’ve done since the relaunch has been disastrous on some level, so we’ll probably keep doing it. Here’s the video, which will be gone in a couple weeks, as will some of you, considering the abundance of alcohol-related deaths in the Tri-State area. And your last days are precious, so spend them watching wrestling. Here’s the link to the show before they take it down, I may or may not embed it later, but I’m on my phone, and that’s hard to do from here.